Задоволство ние да ве поканиме  на Вториот  хрватски конгрес за рурален туризам, со меѓународно учество "Концептот на долгорочниот развој на руралниот туризам, кој ќе се одржи од 21 до 25 04. 2010.  во Мали Лошињ (www.kongres-рурален туризам. Org / http://www.kongres-seoskog-turizma.org/index_en.php), организиран од Клубот членови "село", конзорциум на селскиот туризам и Селски туризам "Ruralis" ДД и Хрватсите  земјоделци, како и бројни домашни и странски ко-организатори.

Конгресот ќе има  воведни предавања, научни и технички прашања, примери на добра практика, тркалезна маса "Кон стратегија за рурален развој на туризмот", дебатен клуб / трибината со претприемачи во руралните туризам, и  по втор пат ќе  се соберат сите релевантни субјекти на селскиот туризам. .

 Сите информации за Конгресот и формулари за пријавување може да се најде на веб-сајтот www.kongres-руралните-turizma.org / http://www.kongres-seoskog-turizma.org/index_en.php

Ве молиме да ги информира Конгресот за потенцијалните институции / учесниците во вашето поле на дејствување за нивното учество и тие придонеле за неговиот успех.





The Second Croatian Congress on Rural Tourism
"The Concept of Long-Term Development of Rural Tourism"

Dear Honoured Visitors,

Following the success of the First Croatian Congress on Rural Tourism in October 2007, and the decision of the Committee for the Organisation of the Congress stating that the congress will take place biennially, it is our greatest pleasure to invite you to the Second Croatian Congress on Rural Tourism to be held on 21 – 25 April 2010.

Positive effects of and responses to the conclusions of the First Croatian Congress on Rural Tourism, which was held on the Island of Hvar, enhanced the organisation of the Second Congress.

After the first congress, rural tourism has made a few steps towards its goal of becoming one of the obligatory forms of tourist service in the overall tourist offer in the Republic of Croatia.
Another important step has been the encouraging decision of the Coalition Agreement of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2007 – 2011 stating the necessity of organising 300 new tourist family farms. The same document classifies rural tourism as one of the fundamental potentials for the development of rural areas.

Challenges that are before rural tourism, especially in times of world economic crisis, are enormous but achievable. Rural tourism of today, despite all difficulties in global tourist trends, is growing and needs fresh initiatives. There is no more place for coincidences.

The stakeholders in rural tourism, who followed world trends, have foreseen the imminent success of rural tourism for a few facts: individual service, personalised approach, traditional values, sustainable development and authenticity.

Therefore, it is no wonder that, despite current decrease in tourist sector, rural tourism is on the increase.

Encouraged by the fact that rural tourism is an intact potential in Croatia, and aware of the necessity of meeting preconditions for the development of rural tourism and tourist family farms, many counties, municipalities, cities and institutions of Croatia signed the Declaration on Rural Tourism in Benkovac on 9 April 2008.

Additionally, rural tourism requires permanent attention and numerous activities. Some of them are the priorities, which will be discussed at the second congress: rural area as a rural tourist destination, the role of cuisine in the development of rural tourism, multi-sector tourism clusters in rural areas, marketing and branding of rural tourism, and examples of good practises.

These topics make the framework for the second congress on rural tourism because it is necessary to make significant contributions to the creation and organisation of a destination, creation of recognisable brands of places/destinations, given the support of extremely interesting and boundless topic of cuisine in rural tourism.

They also make the guidelines for the future creation of the strategy for the development of rural tourism in the Republic of Croatia, which is to be discussed at the congress roundtable.

For all the above-mentioned reasons, and wishing to gather all scientific and expert knowledge, experience and examples of good practices, we are convinced that the Congress will assemble numerous participants and generate specific conclusions and operational activities aiming at improving the state and development of rural tourism.
